






Be careful. -> Take care.

Can I borrow the toilet? -> Could I use your bathroom?

How much? -> How much is it? /What’s the fare? /How much does it cost?

I’m fine. -> Pretty good. / Quite well. / Couldn’t be better.

Long time no see. -> It’s been a while.

Give me beer. -> Beer for me.

Tee please. -> I think I’ll have tea.

A window seat, please. -> A windows seat, if possible. / A window seat would be great.

I want to use a credit card. -> Charge it, please. / I’d like to pay ccard.

I’m sick. -> I’m not feeling well.

I want to order. -> We’re ready to order.

I want this. -> I’ll have this.

Can I move to another table? -> Would it be okay to change tables?

Can I walk? -> Is it walkable? / Can I get there on foot?

I like it. -> I do like it! It’s nice. / Oh, wonderful! This is just what I wanted.

Do you want to drink? -> Would you care for a drink?

Golf is interesting. -> Golf’s a lot of fun.

I’m going home. -> I’m off. / I’ll be leaving. / I’m heading home.

Five o’clock is okay. -> Five o’clock would be great.

I have to cancel the meeting. -> I’m afraid we need to cancel the meeting.

Ask me. -> Let me know if anything comes up. / You can ask me anything. / I welcome your question.

I’ll think about it. -> Let me think about it. / Let me give it some (serious) thought.







  • 作者: デイビッド・セイン
  • 出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所
  • 発売日: 2018/07/20
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)